Music Tech Europe Logo

Launch of Music Tech Europe

Music Tech Europe, the European umbrella association, has been unveiled to spearhead innovation in the music sector. This initiative marks a significant milestone in bringing together national music technology associations and professional network organisations from the music sector across Europe. This represents a collective effort and is a demonstration of unified commitment to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth in the music sector at a European level, making it the largest and most influential organisation in the European music tech ecosystem.

web3 music ideation workshop

Web 3 Ideation Workshop

A day at which creative minds from different disciplines gather to create novel concepts for useful products, services or applications in a Web3 music ecosystem. The best projects receive a grant of 5k to develop a prototype out of that idea.

Berlin Music Tech Meetup 11 at Despace

Berlin MusicTech Meetup #11

The overall topic is “The Unheard Of” which means that we have invited people who are going to shine light on a range of different music tech solutions that you probably haven’t heard of so far. From hardware to software to new services.

Girl on couch with silver helmet and headphones. Text says 3D Spatial Audio for XR, Meetup #10, MusicTech Berlin

Berlin MusicTech Meetup #10

We are happy to announce that we are back with the first in-person event in 2022.

This time, we have partnered with VRBB as the overall topic is 3D Spatial Audio for XR, and we are grateful that Berlin Partner will be with us as well who sponsors the event.

We invite you to explore the intersection between music and virtual worlds on April 7 at House of Music.
Come, and finally hang out again with other music tech folks and meet enthusiasts of virtual and mixed realities.